likes best guy friend

i'm in a relationship (little over 2 yrs) with a guy who goes to a diff school than me.
my best guy friend and i go to the same school. he's been in a relationship for the past 4-5 months.
i've been liking my guy friend on and off since we met (shortly after i got into my relationship), but lately the feelings r stronger and theyve gotten to the point where i feel like i'm emotionally cheating on my boyfriend..and i understand thats not fair to him but i dont want to break up with him because i do care about and love him. 
i cant quite tell if my friend likes me or not. we actually met (more like got to know each other better) on a school trip so we spent a little over a week together. since then, he'll say things like "it's crazy how close and connected we got in just 10 days, but i'm glad we did".  when we're together, he's usually pretty "touchy-feely" with me. to me, those would be signs of attraction or a crush. but idk how to tell if i'm right or not because he's also in a relationship. :/
so idk how to feel or what to do about all this. :(