Trying to find a reason not to drink myself to sleep

Or doing something worse. Not sure why I bother. Everything is my fault. We're happy when I have money but he treats me like his servant when we don't. I'm the one making money while he's hiding behind his PTSD as an excuse to not get a job or even try to cover bills. Sure it's easy to go and drop $500 at the strip club when I have bills paid. But when I need help he tells me to go make more money. I'm ready to end it, not the relationship but my life. I'm tired of trying. This was the last shot and it lasted 3 years but I think it's 3 years too long. I should've ended it a long time ago. Guess I'll go for a drive or something. 
I can't say anything because he gets sympathy from the army wives because he has PTSD. Because I'm not waiting on him hand and foot. I wish I thought like the army wives, maybe he'd like me more