Ovulation test

🎄☃️❄️Kayla❄️☃️🎄 • 27 yrs old & mother of 3 sons Aiden, Eli & Leo ❤️ TTC 3 years, 2 miscarriages & now sweet Leo is 3 months! 💞💖💖
Why can't my pregnancy test look like this?! Ughh. I talked myself into buying a few OPK tests. 12.88 for 7, and it wasn't even a good brand lol. I'm glad me & hubby did the baby dance last night!! Hopefully, we can give it a go again tonight!! Since we only did it last night once and the other night(2nd day in fertile window) Please send prayers our way and a bunch of baby dust!! 🙏🙏🙏