Juliana Lucille is here

After a scheduled induction that began on Monday night with Cytotec to ripen my cervix, our baby made her arrival at 12:47pm on Tuesday. They started Pitocin at 6am and the my water was broken around 8am. Contractions got pretty heavy and I ended up asking for my Epidural at 1130 when I was 3cm dilated. It took them twice to insert the Epidural and once it took, I went from 3cm dilation to 8cm within the hour and felt the urge to push before the Epidural even kicked in. They kept telling me not to push because we were waiting for the doctor but let me tell you, that's not possible. Once the doctor made his way into the room, I pushed for a total of 12 minutes and only 5 rounds of contractions. Baby girl ended up being even smaller than her ultrasound measurement and was 5lbs 10ozs and 18.5 inches long at 39weeks 1 day gestation. We are totally in love with our little girl. Btw this was our first, so I apparently have quick deliveries.