When you rip a dr a new one

C • C
So a week ago Monday I had a small bleed that caused a lot of brown blood I went to ER and was told baby was ok and this would pass, stopped the next day. This Monday it started again but stopped after a couple hours. Yesterday I started gushing red blood and went straight back to the ER, I got there at 4pm and wasn't seen until 8pm, I didn't end up leaving until 12am. They did the ultrasound and baby was fine but had a SCH next to it bigger than the baby, I working in the medical field was able to see it without being told about it, the tech told me my baby's heart beat was 155bpm then sent me to my room. 
My ER Dr comes in to do the pelvic exam and tells me my cervix is closed then comes next to me and says he hadn't looked at the ultrasound but after seeing the blood that I'm going to likely miscarry and said he's about 85% sure I'll lose it so to continue daily activity until it happens.....
I kindly told him he needs to go look at the ultrasound before telling me something like that and not knowing the facts, I even told him what I saw on the ultrasound. He leaves and comes back and says what I already figured out, I have a SCH about 1 1/2CMs and I should expect more bleeding and will still likely lose the baby, I asked about bed rest and he said he doesn't believe in it and I got piiiisssssed, " If you don't believe in bed rest what do you want to happen here?? That thing needs time to absorb without irritation! If me resting at least slows the bleeding down then I'm making chances better for my baby, YOU being a Dr should know how that works, I!!! work with animals and know how that works!!!" he got a irritated look on his face then gave me a week of rest and a referral to a OBGYN. 
I'm home now and the bleeding had slowed down, I confirmed my beliefs with a friends mom who is a obgyn nurse and sees these all the time her words were "Unless they're massive which yours isn't 98% of the time they absorb or resolve themselves without issue and the dr is a asshat" 
Also confirmed with my grandma who had been a ICU nurse longer than that Drs been alive! 
My point with this is, yes I know I'm a higher risk now, I understand I could miscarry,  but I had to fish info out of that Dr, I had to really pick his brain and if I had no idea what I was talking about id be laying in bed  sobbing waiting for a miscarriage  and I'm hopeful right now that I have a good chance. And I have this issue with vets I've worked for, I've worked for lots of different Drs and their opinions aren't always right because they don't know or don't specialize in what it is they're talking about so they literally will guess.
A trust your gut and always get another opinion.