Alcohol & Sperm

My husband and I have been TTC 4 years. His semen analysis is good except the morphology is borderline. 3 years ago morphology was 0% and now it's 3%. Lately he has been drinking alcohol more than I would prefer. Typically he'll have a drink once or twice a week, no big deal! But lately it's been everyday. Sometimes 1 drink, sometimes a couple. He's not getting drunk or anything. So my question is, should I be concerned as far as his sperm and TTC? Or should I just let this go. He gets mad when I say something about it being almost everyday lately. Thoughts?
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Posted at
From what I read drinking alcohol does affect sperm count and mobility. However, I've gotten pregnant twice while my hubby was under the influence.


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I got prego with my first child an we both drank an smoke cigarettes an he done other drugs so I don't think that has any thing to do with it an when I was younger all my 15/16/17 yr old friends all got prego but me I was on the depo shot but we drank smoke cigs, weed, ate ecstasy , an valumes they all got prego


Posted at
I would ask the doctor and then talk with him about the impact of his drinking on getting pregnant if there is one.


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Seeing how this is the over 30 club, I would not rely on advice from when ppl were younger. As we age, defects become more common in our genetic material (they've shown this to be true of even men! Just not at the rate of us poor females). I would make every effort to give your baby the best start possible which to me would mean drug and alcohol free. Would your hubby mind putting drinking on pause for your fertile window? That could be a compromise to instead asking for an all out abstinence. Addressing alcohol consumption is always a touchy subject. Sorry you have to deal with this. Good luck. 


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Has he seen a urologist yet? We have an appointment next month and I definitely will be asking if alcohol effects the count . But until then  plan to start mine on daily Vitamin C and Zinc.. see below


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My OH drinks 8 cans of 4% lager a day.  (No I don't like it but what can I do- he works and it hasn't got worse in 4 yeats - and yes he has days off and no issues so...) but i was concerned about his sperm as he has no kids - but his sperm analysis was totally normal.  My kids dad drinks a lot of super strength lager and has 5 kids - he is deffo alcoholic. But no issues with his sperm.  So I doubt 1-2 beers is an issue x


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I had a baby with an alcoholic last year, if it's any consolation 😕


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I don't know how much alcohol that HE drinks affects pregnancy. My husband drinks at least 2 glasses of wine a night and has since I met him. I'm 39, and he's 44, and we got pregnant despite the drinking. 


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Make him drink orange juice I read vitamin c good with helping sperm


Amy • Sep 28, 2015
also did you get checked also? are you taking vitamins?