

Well at 2am yesterday I thought my waterbroke had this large gush and have since had bloody mucus. I waited a couple hours before going in and it was not my water and I was only 1 cm dilated at 6 am. I got sent home. Contractions were at a steady 10 minutes apart. Went to my regular appointment at 4pm and I was 3cm.  I have since gotten to 7 minutes apart and now they are all over anywhere from 6min to 11 minutes apart. This is soooooo painful...any tips?
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She was not pleased about making her entrance


Tracy • Sep 11, 2015
Love it! Congrats!!!


Posted at
After I posted this I called the doctor and she suggested taking a Benadryl but I never got to that instantly went to 5minutes apart for and hour came in and got admitted. During the triage process I was still at 3 and water had not broke but on the short walk to my room my water broke without anyone knowing and I jumped to a 5 now I am at a 9 and just waiting to feel the urge to push I guess. Ahhhh she will be here anytime !!!!


Joshalynn • Sep 10, 2015


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Try nipple stimulation it will make the contractions come more. 1/2 an hour on 1/2 an hour off until your contractions are 3mins apart. 


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I'm in the same boat but stuck at 3 cm.  my contractions started Tuesday night 11 pm and went straight through until this morning and now I have no contractions.  I want to get past 3 cm!!  I'm due in like two days and my husband is so paranoid he doesn't want the kids here because I could go into labor at anytime.  I miss the kids so much right now and what if it doesn't happen anytime soon?? Ugh I hate it being so unpredictable.


Alli • Sep 11, 2015
I got the epidural now and they broke my water so hopefully baby will be here soon. I was only 4.5 cm when they broke my water.


S • Sep 11, 2015
Good luck!!! Once I got the epidural things moved quickly until I got to 9cm and I stayed there until they gave me petocin which was awful.


Posted at
Get on a birth ball and walk a lot!