Looking for support :/

Diana • Not TTC at the moment .
 I'm having such a hard time at home :/ 
I'm 21 and I live with my parents. They seriously disapprove of my relationship of four years and it's depressing me and making me suffer. I feel like my mother is emotionally abusing me because she doesn't want me to be with my boyfriend and it's driving me crazy. He's a great guy to me and my best friend but my mother can't look past and can't forgive him for the abortion that I had TWO YEARS AGO EVEN  though it was our decision. It was mutual and I don't regret it. 
She just hates him and I can't make her see past it. I insisted on meeting with him again and going to therapy with me and she said yes then goes back on her word. I really don't know what to do :( I am seriously upset  and I don't know what to actually do because all she wants to do is fight about it with me. 
They said they won't accept him into the  family or they won't come to the wedding. 
Not only does my mother holds the abortion against him but also dislikes that he's not on the same socioeconomic status as she is and  that he's Spanish.... But I keep telling her that his parents economic status does not define his status and that he will succeed. He has been doing amazing in school and even converting Into my religion and has a temporary well paying job .. He will do anything to be with me 
But I really don't know how to deal with this woman. She is driving me crazy and into a depression.