Kidney stones!

Alissa • Living in Northern CA with my husband, three year old little girl, and our Puggle working in the ER & loving life :)
Anyone else experience this during their pregnancy? 
I had what I thought to be labor pains for a full week, after weeks of discomfort and occasional labor pains.  They were never timeable, but increased in severity BIG TIME on Friday. Called my midwife, and went down to L & D. Low back pressure, radiating to lower pelvis and menstral low cramping with tightening! It felt JUST like back labor with my 1st! 
After lots of monitoring and no registered contractions, they almost sent me home. At the last minute my midwife decided to test my kidneys...and there they were!! My little calcified trouble makers in the right kidney. I did have some false labor as a response to the pain/stones as well, which explains the tightening and maybe some of the cramps. They admitted me, pushed fluids and pain meds and passed it (ouch)....and now at 35 weeks I feel better than I have in about a month! So random!!