Early labor scare! 34weeks 5days

Montanna • Mama of two beautiful daughters!
September 8th, 2015: Went into labor around 8pm, went to Mt. Hood @11pm. Hooked me up to monitors,  checked me and I was dilated 4-5cm and 75% effaced and contractions every 2-4 minutes, so the nurse got concerned and had another nurse and the on call midwife come in and check me, so they gave me fluids and magnesium sulfate to help stop labor so I wouldn't deliver there or in the ambulance. That made me so uncomfortably hot, and hurt going in my hand! Also gave me penicillin (for Group B strep), which burns going in the IV also! Not fun! 
September 9th, 2015:
They transferred me by ambulance to legacy Emanuel. Ambulance ride was really bumpy and the guys were nice & kept me calm :)
We got to Emanuel and they wheeled me up to my room, got me hooked up to more fluids and stopped the magnesium sulfate. Last check was at 3am And I was 5cm & 80% and -2. Still contracting 2-3mins & having harder contractions. Mark(daddy) was there finally. We had a great nurse named Ela, so nice, informative and very helpful! Doctors wanted to just monitor me and see if my body would continue labor or tapper out. Tried to get some rest didn't sleep until 7:30am for about an hour. They came in and said they were going to check me around around 1pm and see if I had and change, contractions were slowing down quite a lot. They checked me for preeclampsia and everything was normal. Drew lots of blood. And then around 6pm they did one last check and was 4cm, 80% and -2. So my body had relaxed and stopped labor. Thankfully we were discharged soon after and was able to go home! Exhausted!