Salmonella outbreak

I just found out that there was a Salmonella outbreak at a few local chipotles in MN between August 16-26th. I ate there on August 20th, so it's been 20 days. I already sent a message to my doctor's office to get their opinion, but I'm freaking out right now. Do you think I'm in the clear if I haven't been sick? I had my 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday, and everything came back normal. I am not sure when it effects the baby or me. I threw up this morning, but that was nausea from pregnancy (I stopped taking unisom and b6 to see if the nausea let up.. It did not). Let me know if I should be freaking out or if I shouldn't worry. They have not released what the ingredient was.... I had barbacoa, cheese, soft taco tortillas, and a little guac.