Needing to vent and some suggestions...

Shayla • Married with baby #2 due Jan/Feb and mommy to a rambunctious 2 year old!
I am about to the point of kicking my mother out of the labor room when the time comes. All because she keeps pushing to change my mind because my sisters feelings are hurt. I told her I didn't want my nephew at the hospital till after the baby is born. He is 8. Even if they aren't in the room with me I don't feel like there is any good reason for him to be up there. They won't get to see baby right away after delivery anyways. But because I don't want him there she doesn't feel right leaving him somewhere else and her and my mom up there with me. So she is taking it personally and being all butt hurt. My mother says she understands but keeps trying to make me change our decision. My sister is taking rough because she is still holding on to an incident that included her 4 years ago at my wedding (that's a whole different story). If it wasn't for the fact i don't have many close friends and need someone up there incase my husband isn't able to make it, I would tell her she isn't allowed there either. I am tired of it always being about their feelings and not mine. It's making my already not so great pregnancy even more not so great!!