Update for my pregnancy

Well, wednesday, at 26w3d, I had my MFM appointment and my cervix was down to 0.5cm in length and dilated to 1cm. This appt was with a new doctor, affiliated with the hospital that has the NICU I would want my babies in. They immediately suggested I'd be a good candidate for a pessary, which is something I asked about long ago to my other docs and they said no, and basically that pessaries just aren't really used in their practice. I felt so much better at my appt that someone was finally doing something for my babies! They also decided to immediately admit me for hospital bedrest. As soon as I got to the hospital, we found I was contracting every 2-3 minutes and didn't even feel them. I spent the last 36 hours on mag sulfate, which made me feel totally miserable. It didn't work at first so I ended up on a very high dose. It finally worked Thursday morning and I went all day without contractions. So now we stopped the mag sulfate and are seeing what happens. So far so good but I'm nervous the contractions will start again. It sounds like if I start contracting again they'll possibly let it be and not try to stop them, which terrifies me. Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to vent to people who understand the struggle. Please send prayers and positive thoughts for my twins.. I'm praying we can hold on and keep them in until at least 28wks which will be sept 20th.