Anyone else

Kacey • So close to meeting my rainbow baby, Carson ♡

With traumatic hospital memories?

When I was 7 my mom gave birth to my little sister, I was in the room with her and I remember the beeps of machines and tubes connecting into her.

She went home after her 2 day stay, tucked me in and then the next morning I found out she went back.

She had developed an infection and passed away 2 weeks later.

I thought I had moved on a long time ago, but as I got to 20 weeks it hit me like a ton of bricks why I'd been so nervous about delivery. Logically I know the chances of it happening to me are 1 in a million, and I trust my doctor immensely. But it's one of those things that I'm having a hard time working through. I'm getting there but it's slow going.

I don't do therapy for it, because obviously last time I just repressed it

Anyone else have something similar and willing to share your coping skills?