Do I have a mental illness?


Most of the time people piss me off. I think the choices the make are stupid and it makes me mad that they can't make smart decisions. I feel this way every day. For example, I don't have a Facebook or any other social media, besides this and Pinterest. When I did have a Facebook, I would see my high school friends having lots of babies, using letters for words, taking selfies or pictures of food, misspelling words, posting pictures of half naked people, or anything against my political views I would think they are stupid and think, "what is this world coming to?" When people ask me if I have a Facebook, I say no and explain why, I feel like they think I am cold hearted or I am just plain weird.

Don't even get me started on what I think about most drivers.

Do you think I have an anger issue or too judgemental? Do other people feel the same as me? If so, how do you deal with it?

As a side note, I do have minor anxiety and sometimes become depressed for about a week if something bad happens in my life. I also dislike conformity. If someone conforms too much they will become a lemming, which will destroy our free thinking society.