Some advice :/

So on the 1st me and my fiancé broke up over my ex snapchatting me now he thinks I'm cheating. I never did my ex lives 6 hours ago. Was first time I used my snapchat since I was with him and didn't know I had him on there. He snapped and said how you been and you can send them pics directly to me. A pic I had on my storyline. Anyways now my fiancé just started a job at a nursing home as a janitor. I moved back home we were living with his mom. Now his mom hates me and doesn't want me no where Around. He doesn't have a cell phone so I got to text his mom if I want to talk to him. Anyways back to my story he told me he needs time and space. I'm trying to give him that it is hard and yesterday was our 1 year annaversay we would of been engaged. He tells me I'm single but he doesn't want me going to any parties bars or hanging out with any guys or in his words "hoes" he calls mg friends that if he finds out I will see santan. He keeps telling me he needs to get his life together and I need to get mine together he wants do save for a car and I need to get a job and my license (I'm scared to drive and I'm 28) then we can get back together. Where I'm confused at is I'm single but he doesn't want me talking to anyone or going anywhere he just wants me to sit around and wait for when he is ready. Which who knows how long that will be. I told him during this time youll find someone else and his response is if I didn't plan on getting back with you I wouldn't talk to you and I don't want any girl right now you hurt me and give me anxiety attacks now I will never trust a girl again and it's going to take a lot to get his trust back he said I still love you but trust needs to come before love. What do I do wait around for him? For who knows how long. I told him I will wait but not foreve. I think one of our biggest problems was he was on herion I didn't know for the longest time when I got with him and he went got help and has been clean since April 21st. But since he came home he has been drinking a lot and has been becoming mean and violent. I think he is scared now when he was high he was loving and so happy now he isn't anymore. He use to do things for me all the time and once he came home it changed he started arguing with me started sleeping on the couch. I would tell him I loved him he would just mumble. I don't know I think he feels bad because he don't got his life together and he wants to get it together before we get back together. I don't know what to think and sorry for the rambling. Any advice will help.