9/11 in retrospect

I was thinking about adding this to another post but it's really long. I wanted to share for those of you who wonder what the big deal is. If this does not get taken down for being repetitive I won't leave it up long I promise.
Sometimes I can't help but think of the age of the people saying can we forget 9/11, or stop taking about it or what ever. Becuase I remember the moment, I remembered thinking.., I have to remember this exact moment and this day, because one day my grandchildren will ask me what was it like. Much like we asked our grandparents about the attack on Pearl Harbor, something we were doing for a paper in school or a simple assignment. Something that meant very little to us becuase it was ages ago. It was like a fairy tale. 
But 9/11..., I think it was more the the end of the fairy tale. The 90's were good. The economy, before the .com bust, before the housing bubble burst, damn it was a good time. Being a kid in the 90's was not hard. Then in high school you become more aware of the world. You notice what an "economy" is and how it affects things, your friends loosing their homes. Parents loosing jobs becuase of the out sourcing rush. But even then it all seemed like it might go away. Becuase we will get it figured out. 
Then came the day. The first plane hit and we joked about it in class amoungst ourselfs, "Like how the hell do you miss the giant building in front of you! Come on people"! Foolishly, childishly, stupidly not realizing that while in CA it was zero period and 7 am that those towers were full. Full of mothers, fathers, brother and sisters, people. At the end of zero period we came back from the field to discover that a second plane, a second tower had fallen. More uneasy now we joked "someone is going to loose there job, I wonder what is going on". 
The school let us settle in to classes before they notified us. All the teachers had long known what we could not even have fathomed. A terrorist attack on American soil. We had no idea what that meant, would there be more, would we be targets. My town houses a facility that would not be undesirable for an attack. The one thing I can remember is feeling vulnerable. For the first time in our generation the impenetrable America had been wounded. And we were left wondering what's next? How many more attcaks will there be? 
We all rushed home to turn on the tv. Truth is one thing, but seeing the truth, the destruction the mayhem, the chunks of twisted steel. People jumping from the highest floors, why jump..., no one can survive that. I will never forget. I will never forget the hero's on that day that ran in to a tower of hell to save others. I will never forget the kids at my school who signed up for the military becuase the wanted to protect this nation, the kids who went to war, the kids who never came back. From all around this nation. It does not matter if you are pro this or anti that. All these disagreements we have here on glow, and I would still cry for you becuase you are a part of my nation. And yeah it's not always popular but I am proud to be an American. We pulled together we stood strong. And for a brief moment we were the most untied we have ever been.
That attack did not make us weak it made us strong. It made us remember to not forget, we are not impenetrable, but you attack one of us, you take us all on.
Please don't assume anything from my post. I don't want to offend anyone with this. Nor do I condone/agree with/ disagree with anything that may or may not be mentioned here. I just thought someone who is American a few years younger would benefit from the answer to the question, "what is the big deal/ why do we care/ get over it". I am sure I will still get some scathing responses becuase I did not put in the proper disclaimer but oh well.