Question lady's !

Mayra • Third time mommy to a beautiful baby girl Rosalia , Thalia , & Viviana we are adding our last baby and this time is a BOY 💙 in May 30, 2023.

Okay might sound weird or not , but my boyfriend and I haven't had sex since I found out I was pregnant . He understands me . But now that I'm 13weeks and 2days I feel ready . I was scared to hurt the baby or to bleed . But I been reading all this stuff and it seems to be okay . Baby not going to get hurt . Would I be safe already to have sex ? I have yellow discharge but doctor said is not infection or bacteria just to drink a lot of water and it would go away . Would I be safe ?

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Posted at
Perfectly safe, in fact it's good to have sex. It's a good workout for the muscles used durring labor. The more sex you have the easier labor will be.


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Sex is perfectly safe. You will know if something is wrong and don't push yourself to do things if it hurts.


Kelsey • Sep 12, 2015
you know your body better than anyone. sadly i am at 14 weeks and still have no sex drive!!


Mayra • Sep 12, 2015
Okay thank you 😊


Posted at
I can totally relate to you! I'm also 13 weeks and due to two previous miscarriages I've been terrified of having sex! I know in my head that my doctor said everything is great and sex won't hurt the baby but my main fear is that it'll cause some spotting or cramping and I know that would freak me out!


Kelsey • Sep 13, 2015
Yeah, I've been feeling bad for my husband too! He was really ok with it during the first trimester because he was really just as scared as I was. But now that I'm in the second trimester I think I need to just "do it" once and get the fear out of my head.


Mayra • Sep 13, 2015
That another thing I'm scared of . I had a miscarriage 3 years ago and like you said I have it in my head. I feel bad not having sex with my boyfriend but I could be lil scared also .


Posted at
My first trimester I had no drive at all and when I gave in to my hubby (his drive only increased when he found out we were pregnant) it was uncomfortable no matter what the position, didn't feel good and I felt crampy and icky after (not bad cramps no bleeding) finally I said no more. Around week 12-13 I suddenly started having a drive again but with how bad it felt before I was a little reluctant. I was pleasantly surprised to find that when I did not only did I not feel icky, it felt really good and nothing bothered me afterwards. 


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Sex is healthy throughout pregnancy. My doctorrecommends it actually, so my SO and I are pretty active. I'd say if you feel ready go for it... I'm sure your guy will be excited 😉


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Yes unless you are told not by your dr then you are all good to go!