Health & relationship

Ok so I have pcos i was Going thru fertility for about 3 years or so 2 clomid cycles and no results of being pregnant I started to give up ND just wanted to end it all talk to my Dr he agreed to help me test showed some scar tissue on my ovaries so he removed them ND said about six months ull be pregnant but here two years later ND nothing happen I really want at least one child but parts of me just want to have a hysterectomy and leave it at that I'm 27 ND 3 Dr said I was to young ND they didn't want to do it sick but in the mist of all this my bf of 7 years who I was going thru fertility with broke up I'm in another relationship ND have not told him about my issue ND honest don't know how I won't to but don't know how with feeling like he will look at me different I think about having a Lil one so much I stress myself out about ND have no to talk to that will understand my situation