Labor feels like

Ok, I am 38 weeks tomorrow with my second daughter. My first daughter stayed in there till the doctor induced me at 41 weeks and  still then I did not have much pain of labor/contractions. Doctor told me that an epidural was not necessary since I didn't seem to have much pain but I had one anyways.. Well now with my second daughter I have been getting uncomfortable back pain and cramps sort of like a period on and off, I do feel some strong contractions but some I am not sure if thats what it is or not, as well as some make me feel nauseated and I get heart burn which is so weird! I am not sure if I should go into the womens place if this does not pass because I have a high tolerance of pain and not sure if it's labor or not. I also live 45 minutes from the nearest hospital so I don't want to waste a trip and go an they wind up sending me home, or wait it out and be afraid that it may be too late to get to the hospital in time for the delivery of my child...
Please give me some advice, I really don't have anyone to ask other than on here!