Menstrual like cramps at 35 weeks pregnant.

Sarah • Been with hubby 7 years & married 3. Luna Violet 💗 horn Oct 2015 (conceived with glow help!) & River Elijah 💙 born Aug 19 2017! Both natural !! 🎉
So I don't think I've ever had BH yet or any type of contraction. However from 2pm yesterday until now I have been experiencing period like cramps. Soreness and aching etc. these symptoms are constant and don't come in intervals like BH or contractions however I know cramps like this could be a sign of early labor or could be nothing. 
I have called my midwife and doula, taken Tylenol, ate & drank lots of water as well as rested and it has gotten better now after that. But I'm still not 100%. I have an appointment for a check up tomorrow and I know if it gets worse before then I need to head to L&D. 
My question is have any of y'all experienced period like cramps in your third trimester that were pretty constant? Was it something serious or did it go away on its own? 
I'm a FTM here and it was painful enough to have me be concerned. Better now but still curious. I'm hoping this isn't a sign of early labor.