Looking for hope

This is my 5th pregnancy in 17 months. I am 35. I had 3 chemical , lost one at 10 weeks and this current one I am little over 8 weeks but the baby stopped growing when we went in for our  8 week ultra sound. We saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks and everything looked good. I am having a D&C today . This will be my first D&C. I am at GE. I am on hormones. We have had every test done even genetic testing and everything keeps coming back normal. Which is good but frustrating bc everything is mystery . They are going to test tissue this time from my D&C . I am losing hope and I am very depressed. I am just looking to see if there is anyone out there that has similar experience and was able to go on and have a baby . I never focused on a career. I am actually a nanny and had to quit my job bc emotionally it was to much. I just wanted to always be a mommy and raise my family.