Trying not to get sick. Help me please, I need advice.

Cyrena • My husband and I are ttc our first child. We have been trying for a little over 2 years. I am 28 and my husband is 30 and we have been married for 5 years.
So I am a caregiver and I understand that I'm always at risk to get sick. I'm a home caregiver and only have 2 clients. One at the moment is sick and I'm worried I might get this. I go in for an procedure in 8 days and just thinking of asking for a few days off until the client is better. I am also a kidney transplant patient and have a low immune system. Is that bad of me for wanting take these days off? This procedure is the most important thing to me. What would you ladies do and what are ideas that I can do keep myself safe if I stay? Please help if you have any advice it would be appreciated. Thank you