
I'm trying not to freak out. 5wks4days.  The past 2 days I've had brown spotting (only when I wipe) and some dull cramping on the right side. I've read a lot that this is normal, and not to worry. But also, the chances of miscarriage is really high. What do you thing?
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Posted at
It's normal as long as it's not red. I would call your doctor is it gets heavier or bright red! Prayers for a healthy baby!


Posted at
I've been having the same spotting but except without any pain & I'm 6w4d. Spotting can sometimes indicate miscarriage and sometimes it cannot, you know? Did you contact your doctor?  


yayaa ➰ • Sep 14, 2015
Yes, continue taking your vitamin everyday & eating nutritious. It's going to be fine.


Courtney • Sep 14, 2015
Not yet. I have an appt in a few days. It's very light and have read that it's really normal as long as it's not red.


Posted at
I'm having the same thing right now. Almost a gas pain in my left side and I noticed brownish red discharge when I wipe after the bathroom.