Just recieved a call from the doctor's office!


My old acquaintance from high school works at this dr office and she told me my blood work came in and everything was perfectly fine!!!(( Yay! ))She then asked if I wanted to know what I was having. I was so excited. Yes, yes!!!!!!! I said I was hoping to have a girl. She burst my bubble and said I was having a little boy.

I wasn't expecting to find out my babys gender until October.

And now, I'm lost about it lol. My grandma called her bloodwork lab and asked if a woman can find out her babys gender through blood tests and 3 different woman told her no, Absolutely not. When I asked my doctor at my appointment two weeks ago, is there any way to find out the babys gender early?! He even told me no. You'll have to wait until 20 weeks and I'm sure the doctor would have told me about finding out through blood tests if that were the case, right??!!?

Then I get on this app and woman are constantly posting about finding out their babys gender through blood tests.

I'm cried in disappointment, but I feel better after talking to my grandma about it. I will wait until October to be 100% sure.

Any thoughts?

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Posted at
I'm also being told by a friend whos going to have her 4th boy that I'm ungrateful for being upset and I should just be happy with a healthy baby.I'm very happy for a healthy baby. That's my main concern, however what's wrong with feeling disappointed and upset. I'm a first time mom here. I don't understand why I'm being told I'm ungrateful, I will love and cherish this baby if it's a boy. I wanted a girl, yes, and I'm disappointed if it's a boy. What is wrong with feeling upset. It doesn't change that I will love the baby reguardless. Some woman, really are just judgemental assholes.


Stacey • Sep 17, 2015
That's no friend for saying such things! You are entitled to your own feelings and emotions. I was worried I wouldn't be as happy if I found out I was having the opposite sex I was hoping for. I feel it's natural! I'm assuming she had the "perfect" feelings while pregnant. Tell her to shut it ☺️


Janneiqua • Sep 17, 2015
I was told I was u grateful as well but I'm not! I just don't wanna hear what people have to say


Meagan • Sep 16, 2015
We find out an an anatomy scan in a week and a half what we're having. This is our second, and last, baby and since we have a son all three of us are hoping for a girl. It's natural to be disappointed. I'll be honest and say if this one isn't a girl I'm really going to be disappointed for a while.


Posted at
Yes, there is a blood test you can get that will tell you your baby's gender, among other things. I THINK it's called the harmony test, but I'm not positive. Anyway, several of my friends have gotten that done. It's new, as in the last couple of years. I asked my doc about it and she said I don't need to get it done. It's actually a genetic test that is more for women over the age of 35 or that have a high risk pregnancy, and they are sent to an outside lab for this bloodwork. I know some  doctors offices will just let you get it done if you want to know the gender, but mine made it seem as if their particular office doesn't send just anyone to do it.


Sharon • Sep 14, 2015
Yeah, I wasn't sure of the names. Thanks!


Amelia • Sep 14, 2015


Amelia • Sep 14, 2015
Harmony, panorama, materniT21... There's a million different ones but they are all genetic testing and all can tell you the sex of the baby as early as 10 weekz


Posted at
I had the panorama and it's 99% accurate, and definitely confirmed girl at my 20 weeks scan. They look at baby's actual DNA so it's way more accurate than an ultrasound. And you're not selfish for being a little upset. I think once you see him it won't matter at all, but when you have excitement and expectations for one thing and it turns out to be the opposite, well it's natural to be a little bummed. And I'm sure you're still excited either way, just not AS excited, which is okay. The farther along you go and the more you bond with your baby, the more you'll fall in love with him. 😊


Posted at
Well basically what they do with your blood is filter is to see if there's any male DNA in it. If they don't find any, it's a girl, if they do, it's a boy. I'd wait till the 20 week because you actually get to see it to believe it.


Posted at
You can absolutely find out thru blood test. I don't know who your grandma talked to, but it sure wasn't anyone in the medical field. There's no way your acquaintance would have told you that if she didn't have the correct information that's major legal stuff. You can be as early as 8 weeks for blood work to show gender. 


Posted at
The blood test comes from the babies DNA. I don't see how they could get the babies gender wrong from DNA. Be blessed that you have a healthy baby boy. Boys are a blessing. You can watch them play sports and grow up and they are mommas babies. I had the blood test done along with a bunch of my other friends and DNA never lies. 


Posted at
Had the Progenity blood test at 11 weeks..it tests the chromosomes so pretty sure it's highly accurate.We totally thought girl..our Dr. & my acupuncturist even said girl but nope, boy!I'm just happy having a healthy baby but was secretly hoping for girl. Now, super excited for boy!


Posted at
There are blood tests that are accuarte. Especially if they are high risk blood draws. But like I always say, the only true way of finding out is waiting until the day you birth the child.


Lori • Sep 14, 2015


Posted at
This particular blood test some docs are doing is extremely new and closer to 99% accurate than the ultrasound. I don't know if all docs are offering it yet, though, so that could be why there's conflicting answers you're getting.


Posted at
I had a genetic test done called the Panorama test and the gender was an option. I decided to find out early and found out at around 9 weeks. I'm 20 weeks now, and go for my full anatomy scan on the 21st where I will be able to physically confirm It's a boy