So Confused!?

BabyLeCount • You can`t have a rainbow without a little rain.
So at my last OBGYN appointment (over 2 weeks ago) I was tested for any infections. Office test came back as bacterial infection and was given this medical gel to clear things up. Haven't had any more discharge, vaginal problems since finished medication. Now I just got a call OBGYN office saying that lab test came back as yeast infection. I told them I haven't had any more problems but still told me to take the medication they sent to my pharmacy. If I haven't had any more problems, why should I still take the medicine if I feel like I don't need it? Everything is cleared up "down there" as far as me and my husband can see lol. I'm trying to keep my pregnancy as natural as possible. I'm just confused on why they have waited for more than 2 weeks to tell me now.