Setting up the nursery whoas

This is more of a vent session than anything. 
We have 2 spare bedrooms in our house. The smallest one is my room where i keep my scrapbooking abd stuff and do our bills and stuff and the other room is my husbands where he had all of his fishing stuff in.
We discussed it befor and i said his room is gna have to be the babies room bc its bigger. If we used my room we would end up moving everything again when the kid gets a little older and needs more room. 
  So i moved all of his crap out of the bigger room and condensed everything in my room. He still has plenty of room to do his thing in there.
  He keeps complaining that im never going to put the baby in that room blah blah blah its gna sleep in our room in a bassinet for 3 years (i think maybe he needs to do some reading) hes really just annnoying me now. At night time te baby will sleep in our room but not all the time and i doubt til its 3 years old.  and i know that babies sleep all te time so why wouldnt i put them in there crib in there own room where i can close the door and keep it quiet in there for them. And we need some where to keep all the baby stuff too. Like clothes, diapers, toys. We sure cant fit all of that in our bedroom. 
I think hes just butthurt that i moved his stuff. He needs to get over it. We both have to make sacrifices. I didnt make him get rid of stuff i just moved it. And i wanted to finish the basement along time ago. Had we went and done it he could have all that space for his stuff. 
Anyone else have this kind of husband trouble?