Going on 16 hrs in early labor 😔 help!

Luna • Baby Elle arrived 9/16/15 😍
It's been a frustrating day. I started strong contractions at midnight last night... Didn't sleep all night, labored at home using different comfort techniques. Contractions went from 8 mins steadily to 4 mins. By then was ready to go to hospital, around 9am. They admitted me and said I was barely 2CM and needed to go home and labor more. I could be back in a few hours or a few days or a week! What?!?! The contractions are too strong to have to deal with this much longer.  But since going to the hospital they've slowed down to 10 mins apart; a little more mild. I'm exhausted and discouraged and don't know what to do. I wish my water wojld break because I could just go in at that point. Anyone have experience with this sort of progress?