What Should I Do?

Valerie • My Only Dream Is To Leave And Never Return ♡

When my boyfriend and I first met, it felt like we had known each other forever. We got to know each other over the course of 3 months before deciding to become exclusive. We've been dating for 8 months now and, let me tell you, we have had some rocky times. Of course, in the beginning, things were amazing. Six months into it is when we started having "problems." What are our problems? What do we argue about? His cousin and how I don't get along with him.

His cousin and I used to get along well and were actually friends until he started being mean and disrespectful. When he disrespects me, I get angry and snap back. Not all the time, but sometimes (I'm learning to pick my battles). Well, my boyfriend doesn't see the things he does or says to me, he only sees my reaction to it and it's frustrating. I try telling him about what's going on and he gets annoyed, saying that I'm always the one instigating the fights with his cousin. It isn't fair to me. I'm your girlfriend, tell him to respect me! It would mean a lot more coming from him than it does coming from me.

At this point, I'm tired to talking. I can only tell him so many times what's going on and how I feel about it. Part of me wants to work this out and part of me doesn't. In your opinion, what else should I try?