Morning sickness

Nicole • Momma of 2 🌈👧❤🌈👧❤
Is it just the normal.... I'm nauseous and pucking or is it also eating something and then suddenly you find out baby didn't like it. :(
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I rarely throw up, but have 24/7 nausea. I wish I could throw up to feel better. I'm 11.5 weeks, and this week has been really, really bad. Food aversions are out of control, so it's hard to find something to stomach that isn't carb based. So much for it "getting better" at the end of the first trimester 😕


Corrin • Sep 17, 2015
Mine is getting worse too I'm 9 weeks everything makes me gag


Posted at
I'm constantly nauseous and puking up everything I put in my mouth, it's definitely not just certain things for me. I don't know how people do this for months and continue working


Nicole • Sep 16, 2015
I completely understand


Posted at
My nausea and vomiting was so bad i ended up in the ER last night for IV fluids and zofran. I hadn't kept food or liquids down for 4 days straight


Nicole • Sep 16, 2015
hope you feel better


Posted at
I'm new to this, and not an expert at all! Lol but I believe it's a bit of both. For one, yes it's totally normal as a majority of women experience in their pregnancy. In my case, I have been vomiting on cue morning and evenings. Sorry for the TMI visual. How far along are you in your pregnancy? 


Reese • Sep 16, 2015
Oh ok. You're definitely further along than I am. Maybe the baby doesn't like your food choices lol. ☺️☺️ I hope you feel better


Nicole • Sep 15, 2015
11w3d today. the nausea got better for me a little after 9 weeks. Now I mostly get sick when I eat something the baby didn't like. It sucks when it is something you really like. LOL!