8 weeks 3 days- so scared of losing it

Dee • First pregnancy was an ectopic. Second I miscarried at 12 weeks. 3rd I miscarried at 5 weeks. Hoping 4th works!!!
1st baby. I've had 1 ectopic, 1 miscarriage at 5 weeks and 1 miscarriage at 8 weeks 5 days. 
The miscarriage at 8 weeks 5 days has me scared for this one. That last time I had an appointment at 8 weeks 4 days and saw the heartbeat after a scare that it was a blighted ovum just 2 weeks prior. I was thrilled to see the heartbeat at the 8 week 4 day appointment! We didn't find out I lost it until my 12 week appointment and I had to have a D&C. 
Tomorrow I go in for my 8 week 4 day appointment. I'm so scared. I had a few days of bright red blood a week ago- nothing heavy but enough to make me worry. This was the day after my six week appointment where we saw the heartbeat. Even if all goes well I'd be scared due to the last time.
Miscarriages do seem to take the fun out of pregnancy because once you've had one it's all you think about. I really want this to be real. We've been trying for a year now. 
I'm just so darn nervous...
Not helping things is my lack of symptoms. Just a little sick to my stomach but nothing too bad.