
I'm a recovering depresseive for six years and I haven't relapsed in five, but this past year has been really bad every morning I have to fight to wake up(most days I can't get up till 11am😣) get out of bed, and go to classes. Then I'm fine for the rest of the day (most the time) but when it gets to night time I get this empty feeling, and sad and I feel the depression creeping back in. My family is to stressed to really help and my boyfriend lives 2,016 miles away in Colorado he really try's his best to help but he just doesn't all the time. I just feel like I need a cuddle and a huge cookie and to cry. But I just can't ! I hate it! And I feel like I have to be strong for my family cause we are going through a hard time. 
But what this is all about is I'm wondering if anyone else feels like this? Or can relate. Please help I could really use some and if anyone else needs some. 
Also I'm here for you and I hope I can help. 
Sorry for this post being so long.
Love you all, you are all so beautiful! 