My marriage.

So my husband and I have had a horrible marriage. I mean yes, there have been good times, albeit very few. We've both hurt one another very badly and have done some pretty vindictive things. The whole point is we talked about getting a divorce and actually going through with it but have decided to go to counseling before we take that final step. My emotions are so mixed at points. There's times when I'm angry and don't want the girls, the lies or the pain anymore but I'm trying my hardest to find my faith in the Lord again because I really do feel that he'll help me through this. I also feel that he wants me to work my marriage out. Not for the sake of marriage only but because, it could actually have major potential. If you all pray, please say a prayer for Annie & John Gonzales and if you don't pray then can you say positive affirmations or something. I could really use friends right now. I love my husband y'all. With every piece of me and I want to forgive him and have a wonderful amazing marriage with him. Thank you guys!