Just need to get it off my chest..

So when I told my best friend I was going to start TTC, she was incredibly hurtful and rude. Told me I was to fat, told me my husband and I shouldn't do it right now. Asked if it was a good idea. What this all boils down to is my friend married her husband 4 years ago. He had a vasectomy 18 years ago. He has a son who is 22 and didn't want anymore children. When she married him she was aware of this. He has since said they could adopt. Do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. Find a sperm donor. Whatever she wants. When she found out I was pregnant with my first child, she was unhappy my whole pregnancy and cried all the time. I was very sympathetic as I understand how hard it is to see other people pregnant when all you want is a baby. I get that. However my son is almost 2 and we decided to start trying for #2. She has not mentioned it since the first time I told her we were going to start TTC she hasn't apologized and she hasn't even attempted to hang out with us. Come for dinner. See a movie. Anything. It's as though I cease to exist. How am I suppose to take this. Is the friendship over? Should I even let it bother me. I mean I've cried numerous times over this. She's been my best friend since I was 12 and I'm 27 now. Is it fair for her to be this selfish. I've just had a miscarriage and I didn't tell her. We knew having another baby wouldn't be easy and it's nice to have your friends by your side. But, I can't count on her and I don't really have many more close friends. She has a sperm donor waiting. But has yet to take advantage. It's really frustrating. Idk sorry I needed to vent. 
Thanks for listening. 