Brown discharge

Anyone experiencing brown discharge at 6+weeks...??
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I'm 7 weeks and 1day and I started to have very light brown discharge only when I wiped around 6 1/2 wks. It just stopped today. I was reading thats its normal unless bright red and it can be from the placenta attaching itself


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Me! Mine changes from brown to pink. My doctor said that its all quite normal and to only worry when it's bright red (like when you've cut yourself)! 


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I've been noticing some brown discharge for about 5 days now. It's off and on but there has been one time where there was a small spot of red blood. I feel so discouraged😓


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I've been having some light brown discharge for two weeks. And today 6w4d I had my first u/s and heard the heartbeat. It's so scary but hold onto hope. 


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I just had brown discharge when I wipe too, very light. I am freaking out, cos I had two miscarriages before this pregnancy. Glad this is normal. I have no cramping and am not bleeding. I am 5wks and 2 days. I pray this pregnancy goes well, this will be me and my hubby's first child.


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Me! Ive had it on and off since week 5! Dr told me to stop looking when i wipe cause i just freak out lol


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Thanks ladies!