I lied to my stepmother

Talia • Pagan. Witchy mama. Viking mother.

So, two weeks ago I had my Mirena removed after five successful years of contraception to try to conceive with my betrothed.

Today, the first day of the inaugural post Mirena period, my stepmother texts me out of the blue and asks me how I'm doing. I'm not stupid, I know she's texting me because of an earlier FB status about AF. I was honest with her, answering that I'm visiting menstrual hell this week, but I was also prepared for her next question, which was...

"Oh, did you get your b/c removed?"

I told her yes, at which point she asked if I was going on the pill.

I lied. I lied so hard. I told her I was letting my hormones regulate before I went on the Nuvaring.

I feel bad, but at the same time, I don't. Together, with my ex mother-in-law, she has tried to control my life and the lives of my children, even told me once that I didn't deserve to be pregnant because "good" people like her couldn't have children. I don't need her b.s. and negativity while I'm trying to make babies.

I really want to cut her off, but in doing so I would also cut my father out of my life, and that's a no-go.

When the time comes I have no idea how I'm going to make a pregnancy announcement knowing there's going to appear some negative remark from a woman who only wants to steal my children. Any advice would be appreciated.