
Couldn't take the prescribed prenatal pills my doctor wanted me to take. I grinned and bared if for a couple weeks to a month and it was causing me to be sick everyday. She said I could switch to an over the counter so I chose the first response gummies. At first they were a sigh of relief and was no longer sick, but now I am having a very difficult time taking them because of the texture and/or flavor. (They only come in one flavor ) What kind of prenatals are working for you ladies that are over the counter and come in more than a single flavor?
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Posted at
I think I only paid about 7.00 at WalMart. Yummiest different flavors taste like candy some times I eat a extra.


goodbye • Sep 16, 2015
no they aren't sour


Courtney • Sep 16, 2015
Are they sour?


goodbye • Sep 16, 2015
yes I love them


Posted at
Love these! Don't taste very good at all but give me energy and make me feel good.


Posted at
These are delicious


Davena • Sep 16, 2015
Yes my favorite! I got the lemon, strawberry and orange 👌🏼


Posted at
Okay I am going to Walmart in the morning to get me a bottle of them should I just take them alone or will I be able to take them after other medicine I been taken


Charolette • Sep 16, 2015
thanks I am going to just take them first and you say them cost $7.00


Courtney • Sep 16, 2015
I would double check with your doctor to make sure you can take them together.


goodbye • Sep 16, 2015
you should be fine. it says consult a doctor if your taking any other prescriptions but they are just prenatal I don't think it will harm you but I'm not a physician so you can ask


Posted at
Have you tried taking them at night. 


Merredith • Sep 16, 2015
Wow. I've always got a bunch of samples so I could find the least barfy option.


Courtney • Sep 16, 2015
No, she just gave me one and it wasn't even a sample. She just prescribed it to me for the full pregnancy.


Merredith • Sep 16, 2015
Did your doctor have multiple samples for you initially? Maybe one of the others may work better. Or you'll just have to power through.


Posted at
Thanks for the information


Posted at
Thanks Courtney