For all those with symptoms fading at 9-10 weeks!!

Little back story... I had a missed miscarriage at 8w4d back in January so needless to say this pregnancy has had me on edge. I am now 10w5d. I noticed around 9 1/2 weeks my symptoms started fading to the point where by 10 weeks my boobs weren't sore and I wasn't nearly as nauseous. I would get a little nausea here and there but not even close to what I was feeling. Of course when my symptoms started fading I thought the worse: I was having another missed miscarriage. We had our third appointment today and I can say everything is perfect!! The nurse in the room was even shocked how nice and strong the baby's heartbeat was!! We saw all his little hand and legs and fingers!! Even a little nose and ears and the hint of eyes too!! I wanted to share this to comfort all you feeling like you're losing your symptoms!! I guess it's just normal around this time as approach the second trimester! We even told my parents today!!