
Malaika • Saim ❤️
So I am now about six weeks pregnant and got today some brown discharge. I had before missed miscarriage so now I am stressed that miscarriage can happen again. 
WelI I had already scan few days ago which showed that I am maybe five weeks not six, because there was only yolk sack visible. Next scan will be on 24th September. 
I have pcos, history of miscarriage and now this brown discharge. I really don't understand why in UK doctors are not giving progesterone for women like me. Why they are not checking blood and hormon levels. I feel like I'm any animal for them. In Poland even if woman is six weeks pregnant they will put her to the hospital and try to help her. In UK I'm getting only stress because I am pregnant for them only since second trimester. I understand that miscarriage can happen if there are some issues with fetus or placenta, or blood etc. But the problem is with my hormones levels because of my pcos and they really don't want to understand that. Everything here in UK is fine but NHS is worst that in any Polish village. If I will have miscarriage again it will be because of doctors here.