Surprise surprise!!!!

Demetria • I'm 25 I have two beautiful children one boy (Zaylen) & one girl (Zaylaa) the twist is I just found out I'm having TWINS
So my Husband thinks it would be a good idea to post our pregnancy story on here. He said someone will get a laugh out of it. So I'm currently 29 weeks 5 days pregnant. I received my first ultrasound at the ER at 20 weeks and was told everything looks great. I know some of you ladies are thinking you had your first ultrasound at 20 weeks why so late??. Had some insurance issues with my job. Anyway I recieved my next ultrasound at 27 weeks 5 days when I finally recieved my insurance. My OBGyn and CNA say to me as soon as I lay on the table wow that's a lot of movement. We all have a laugh and she starts the ulrasound. She checks to see if baby's head is down and it is. So she continues the scan to see the rest of the baby's body and what does she see next??? Another head.. .... She stops..... and says wait a minute let me start over. Does the same thing again and sees another head tells her CNA I thought I saw... no maybe I mistaken but then again... it could... no it couldn't be. At this time my eyes are now glued to the screen trying to make out what's going on. She completes the scan after starting over about 6 times and says ok Mrs.Devoe your having twins! !!! I'm speechless. And she shows me both babies and says here pookie number 1 and pookie number 2. Then cleans off my belly and schedules an appt. With a specialist. So I walk out of the office into the waiting room where my husband and kids are. Ask him if he recieved my text. He tells me no my phone died. I say ok well I have some news. He says ok what is it? I tell him wait let me sit here so there is a chair between us. So i go into detail about the ultrasound and how good it went then proceed to tell him the news. Baby we're having TWINS!!! He looks at me with this Mr.Beans face and says WHAT??? So I repeat my self and then he says HUH??? Like he couldn't hear me. I say ok I'm just going to leave you along for now handing him the ultasound pictures. So I'm now telling my 4 year old son and my 3 year daughter that mommy is having two babies. My daughter the talker of the two says "A BABY???" I then tell her no two babies. She is so convince that its one she says it again. "A BABY???" LOL. I leave her along as well and tell my son and he does the same thing. Lol. That day will me engraved in my mind forever.