Comments about breastfeeding

Jamie • Momma to my sweet girl and another blessing on the way! And wifey to my good man!
Hubby's grandmother lives with us and with DD1 she would always make comments about how I needed to wean her since she was almost one and blah blah. I ignored it and just kept nursing. Now with DD2, she will make comments about offering to hold the baby while I eat and once she sees that I'm nursing her she always says something along the lines of "oh she wouldn't be happy with granny! I'm all dried up!". It's driving me up the dang wall. We know you can't nurse a baby anymore.. You're 82. And it's just awkward. That along with kissing her head while she is nursing, I'm about to freak. Please tell me I'm not alone. It seems that any woman that is over child bearing age in hubby's family feels the need to make comments about their breasts being dried up every time they see me nursing. It's just kind of embarrassing and awkward.. Especially since we are still trying to get comfortable with nursing and stop using the nipple shield. The last thing I want is attention being brought to us while we try to work on her latch.