Anyone else?!

Has anyone else had anembryonic gestation/blighted ovum? This was my second pregnancy and second miscarriage. Our first was at 16 weeks due to PROM & a prolapsed umbilical cord. I know the most prominent cause of that was that my cervix is weak. With this most recent (that I still haven't passed at seven weeks) I feel like I have no answers. I was pregnant.... And then two weeks later I'm not. There was a sac.... And then there wasn't. I just feel so lost. I know the losses were different, yet they carry the same weight of lost promises and giving up hopes and dreams. I just don't understand. I've looked it up and it says it's either genetic or basically a fluke that usually only happens once. I keep getting the "you'll have yours eventually"... But if it's genetic, if I keep losing babies because of my body, why keep trying?!