issues... Help!

This is a long post and I apologize, but I would like some opinions! 
I had the mirena put in about 6 months ago. Ever since then my period has been next to nothing. 
I've been having a lot of cramping on my left side. Kinda feels like where my ovary is. It's a sharpe pain, so bad it keeps me awake at night. 
I've also been having issues with my periods lately. They're pretty much non existent, which I know with the mirena some woman don't have their period. But I have been having them before and now nothing. Expect for whenever I'm busy with work. Everytime I'm on my feet and running I bleed. I'm a server so I'm on my feet all day and busy most of it. 
Also I'm constantly feeling like I'm about to throw up and no energy what so ever. I could sleep at any time of the day and stay asleep for hours. 
Phew... After all that, do you ladies have any similar issues or is it something I should see a doctor about?