Ticked off, ugh!!

Fayth® • Happily Married & Blessed with our sweet baby boy; 8/14/17. Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
This nonsense really ticks me the heck off! Why don't you just delete the app from your phone and get the heck off google! Because I personally have had a miscarriage and I don't know about anyone else but I feel as if it was my fault I lost my baby and I'm dealing with the depression of it still! So yeah, I like to google the shit outta stuff and post on here when I think I may have a symptom I want to know if other people did find out they were pregnant and had the same symptoms as me! Because I wanna know the second I even may have a slight chance of being pregnant, why is everyone so negative! Why rain on everyone's parade just get outta here!! 😡😡😡