Crazy in law stories?

Let's share our crazy in law stories:) So, my Sister in Law seemed like such an awesome person when we met (didn't know that she had a "side" that I later found out). I first started noticing that she really, I mean really enjoys attention which is fine, I'm more of the opposite. My in laws also know this and will do an eye roll when she starts talking about all the things she does that's so great. Ok, nothing bothersome yet right? Well, we had a party at my house and she sulked like crazy!!! I guess because the attention wasn't on her so she was pissed. Another family member said yep "that's how she is". I was complimented for a dish that I made and she said oh I make that too so she made it at the very next party AND wore an outfit similar to the one I was wearing! Um what? Is she that hard up for attention that she wants to dress and cook like me? LOL. She also went on vacation this year to the SAME place that my hubs and I went to last year. There's much controversy about her actions but no one addresses it. Weird! 
I think the next step is to skin me and wear me. Yikes!!! I'm keeping this anon in case she's stalking me😳😳😳 Kidding (I think😂) but who else wants to share their funny/disturbing in law stories???