Why be a teacher?

Sydni • USCG Wife | 20 | baby Ward due 3/26/16
Okayyyy, with all of the hooplaw that's going around about Ahmed Mohamed, I can't help but share my opinion. One, this shit is BEYOND sad. This boy, 14 years old, created something he was proud of. I say this boy, because his race or religion doesn't define him. He isn't smarter or dumber due to how he was raised. He has the desire to be an engineer and that's AWESOME. Anyway.... It sickens me that out of fear, teachers were AFRAID to deal with it based off of the object and the person who created it. I feel that if the teacher was afraid or worried, maybe listening to what the damn thing is first before freaking out is the most appropriate route and if you still don't feel comfortable then move forward with your actions. But, I definitely feel that as a teacher, it's your job to be the helping hand and listening ear for students. Be proud of them and help them. Not turn in fear over a damn pencil box clock, no matter if it looks like a shoe box or a suitcase! This boy's proud moment turned into a "I can't believe you would do something like this". And that is what disgusts me. So if you're going into the teaching world, you have to remember that you're going to encounter students who have skills that far exceed any that you have ever seen. And that's freaking awesome. Let them run with it, and let them be proud of it. But don't let your own pre-assumptions bias your thoughts or get the hell out of the classroom. That generation you're  teaching is going to be crazy intelligent, and teachers shouldn't be doubting their students based on their abilities..