I need help ladies

Any advice appreciated. Took a test at 11 dpo and got a faint positive. Took another First response at 13 DPO and the line was darker followed up by a digital that told me I was 1-2 weeks pregnant. As I am a POAS addict I think due to the fact I had a missed miscarriage with my first pregnancy, I decided to do another first response this morning. The background to this is I have had a rotten cold so drank loads yesterday and kept waking up last night and having a drink. I went to the loo about 1am for a wee and took the last test at 6am to get a positive that is so faint it's barely there! So my question is am I having a chemical pregnancy? No cramping/bleeding etc but my boobs don't seem as veiny as they were or could my drinking loads and going to the loo have affected the test the control line is still really dark though. Here are my tests, oldest at the top newest at the bottom...