Anyone else struggle with an STI?

My boyfriend cheated on me a few years ago and gave me genital herpes. 👎😳 and it is something I have struggled with ever since...I did find a wonderful man who loved me regardless and we just got married. But ever since finding out I had it way back when, sex has hurt. I know it's because of the emotional trauma of feeling like I'm "unclean" and the stigma of the infection. 
It just sucks that every time I have sex with my husband it ALWAYS hurts going in, no matter how wet I am or what angles we use. And it was like that with every other partner I've had since I found out what my boyfriend had done to me. 
Anyway just wondering if anyone else kinda knows how I feel! It's obviously something I don't talk about to people I know because it's shameful. But it would be great if people could relate!Â