She's Finally Here!!!

I had my 39 week appointment on Tuesday and was 4 cm. doctor decided to schedule an induction for Friday morning because the baby was large. We discussed the options and I told her that I'd only allow her to break my water but would not use pitocin and she agreed. She then decided to also strip my membranes for the third time because even if it didn't work immediately, it would help things on Friday. Had contractions the rest of the afternoon but didn't think anything of it because that's what happened the last two times she did the procedure. At about 8:30 pm my water broke. We got to the hospital at 9:05 pm and was 5 cm. Less than 30 minutes later I was already at 9 cm and told an epidural wasn't possible. At 10:34 pm our beautiful daughter made her arrival. We are so in love with Hope Elizabeth!