Help please

Guys if tomorrow is your most fertile day an u have sex in the night can u still get pregnant?? Because i have sex an friday an saturday an sunday an my fertile day starts monday i coulde'n have sex an monday an tuesday an wensday an thrusday....but i will only get the chance to do it an friday when am most fertile is there still a chance??? My fertile day ends sunday
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Posted at
I think so... Some BD is better than no BD!!! They say sperm can live up until 5 days. So you should be fine.


lotoya • Sep 20, 2015
thanks alot


Posted at
Hey girl. Can you help me with something ??


Posted at
I'm hoping that that's the case... I bd 13th 14th and 15th. The 15th was the start of my fertile week didn't bd again until the 18th got a positive opk yesterday on the 20th what glow said was my peek day bd that day. I'm suppose to bd today and tomorrow but my schedule is crazy this week so prob won't bd tonight because he works. I hoping to bd tomorrow which is my last fertile day of the week. I'm hoping that I did enough for it to count. At least your going to be able to do it on your peek days. Something is better than nothing. Fingers crossed and baby dust to you. 


China 👩🏽👦🏽👦🏽👦🏽👧🏾👼🏽🌈👶🏽 • Sep 26, 2015
Fingers crossed for you Jess


Jess • Sep 26, 2015


Jess • Sep 26, 2015
So nervoud